(570) 807-4954

Frequently Asked Questions
I just found a fawn all by itself in my yard! What should I do?

Short answer: Leave it ALONE!

Whitetail deer mothers leave their fawns to lay alone in silence while they go out to forage. They may leave their fawn for hours or even days at a time. This practice seems unusual to humans because we don’t leave newborns alone out in the open. Does do this to keep their fawns safe and hidden from predators. Newborn fawns cannot outrun predators like their parents. They count on their spotted camouflage and statue-like stillness to stay hidden from would-be predators like bears, coyotes and bobcats. By taking up-close pictures, picking them up or generally bringing attention to the motionless fawns you are almost guaranteeing that a nearby predator will notice you and, in turn, discover them. Leave them where they lay and their mother will return to nurse them and move them to the next hiding spot. If you care about cute little fawns don’t approach them.
What should I do if a skunk sprays?

Mix 3 equal parts Dawn dish detergent, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide into a paste. Lather yourself or your pet with this solution doing your best to avoid contact with eyes and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse and repeat as necessary. The concoction utilizes chemistry to fight the odor. Skunk essence is extremely acidic, so things like tomato juice (very acidic), won’t neutralize the odor. The three parts combined are extremely basic and help to break up and neutralize the skunk smell on a molecular level.

White vinegar applied through a spray bottle works well on hard surfaces like car wheel wells and house siding if a skunk is run over or happens to spray next to your house.

The link below provides access to very effective odor eating bags that help to absorb odor within a building. These are ideal if your pet happens to run into the house before you realize they’ve been sprayed. Place these within the affected area where odor is heaviest. They absorb odor for up to a month and are worth every penny.

Bears In the Garbage. What now?

If you can keep your trash cans inside of a locked garage or shed before the morning of pickup that is the most ideal situation. If cans have to sit outside and bagged trash is impractical to keep indoors until the morning of pickup then ammonia should be poured inside of the bag of trash, on the bag within the container and a little should be splashed on the lid opposite the hinges to repel bears from digging through it. Bears have some of the best noses in the Poconos and ammonia will overpower their super sniffers. By spoiling the potential, “easy score”, of food for them they will learn that your trash bins are not an all-you-can-eat buffet. Don’t slack off if it works several times. The bear’s nose knows what is edible and what is ruined, so keep up with ammonia treatments every week.

There’s a snake in my yard, what should I do?

There are many different species of snakes found throughout Pennsylvania, several of which are venomous. All snakes, even the venomous ones, want nothing to do with humans. They will not attack unless they feel threatened by people or other predators. Teach your children to leave snakes alone and if one is seen in the yard or playground to tell an adult. By keeping your grass trimmed short, wood, rock and leaf piles to a minimum and construction debris off of your property snakes will be less likely to frequent your yard. These features provide great habitat for rodents, which attracts snakes. Even if your property is well-maintained and free of debris the occasional reptilian visitor is bound to show up at some point. Do NOT panic.
Do NOT try to kill the snake either. Simply leave the snake alone and alert others of their presence and they will slink away to do what they do best, control the rodent population for you (free of charge). Many snakes in PA (especially the venomous ones) are protected by state and federal law. Below are some photo examples of common species seen in our area. Also, you can use this link for a non-toxic snake repellent that acts to disrupt a snake’s ability to hunt by overwhelming their sense of taste and smell. This repellent is inexpensive, safe for people and pets and smells like fresh pumpkin pie. Other repellents on the market smell like pepper spray and might as well be labeled as, “human repellent”, with how pungent they are.
Common Pennsylvania Snake Species
The link below will help you identify the snake in your yard and put your mind at ease. Knowledge is power.

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